
Apollo Design System

Building a Design System

Building a Design System

IQVIA’s recent initiative to bring its vast spectrum of products from several acquisitions into a consistent and robust design, style and brand is no small task. A design system was the first step down that road.

Documentation & Wireframes

Documentation & Wireframes

As our team came across specific needs for each product, the design system would grow. Standard components were a given, but we were looking for the patterns that made Apollo special.

For example...

For example...

Where we finished with pagination regarding one or two products, we’d iterate yet again to meet the needs for the next four.

Screen Shot 2018-12-17 at 9.29.56 PM.png
 As we learned about our products and users, we were able to get into the detail and specificity of our design system.

As we learned about our products and users, we were able to get into the detail and specificity of our design system.

for context

for context

Pagination was a tricky little gem, only revealing how sophisticated this component could be as we discovered product-specific needs in contrast to design system needs.

Ship then iterate

Ship then iterate

Once we had a verified foundation, we could refine our work. We used this time to challenge our decisions and on more occasion than not, start over. Published here are drafts of that process.